Rhythm Section Tracks for Flute Ensemble Music

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Below are links to play-along rhythm section recordings for several of my jazz flute ensemble pieces. If you have purchased the score and parts for any of the flute ensemble pieces, you can download the background rhythm section tracks and use them as play-alongs. I have included music files in two common formats: MP3 and AIFC.

Your browser should allow you to download any of these files. The way you do the download depends on your computer platform and your browser.

For example, using Firefox on a Macintosh, you click on one of the MP3 or AIFC links, and on the next page:

* Hold down the Control key and click anywhere within the window
* Select "Save Page as..."
* Choose the directory on your computer where you want to save the audio file
* Click the "Save" button
For other computer platforms or browsers, look up instructions for how to save files from within a browser window.

  • Happenstance:
        MP3 file     AIFC file

  • Count Me In:
        MP3 file     AIFC file

  • Los Lagartos:
           When using this recording, play measures 110-111 five times. There will be 14 bars total between letter G and letter H.
        MP3 file     AIFC file

  • Armistice:
        MP3 file     AIFC file

  • 2000 Fathoms:
        MP3 file     AIFC file